
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

#967 Because I Have Ten Fingers

I was born with ten fingers and I am very proud and happy with it. I do not know why God gives me ten. But I do know that God is wise enough that He created me and gives me ten! This amazing fingers of mine is so important to me. It really helps me in my daily life. 

Now, tell me, how am I going to write my post if I don't have fingers? Imagine you lost your fingers...  Oh no! How am I going to wash my face? How am I going to write notes as a preparation for the coming exam? How am I going to shake hand with others? etc. And you end up crying everyday. But wait! Check it out! You still have it with you! Aren't you happy with your ten fingers? I am happy and I choose to 

Praise God!

Photo from: here

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