
Thursday, March 31, 2011

#955 He is Holy

God is holy, sinless, and pure.

because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”
(New King James Version, 1 Peter 1:16)

Praise God!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

#956 Because He Created the Plants

Plants are living organisms just like us. They need food and water to stay alive. But what so special about plants? Why did God created plants on earth? 

Plants produces oxygen in the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants make their own food from sunlight. The main idea about why plants are important to us is because we need oxygen. Just as plants need the energy from the sunlight to produce sugar, we also need plants as a source of oxygen. Part of an important element for us to stay alive is oxygen.
Now, we know why God created the plants.

Praise God!

Photo from: here

Sunday, March 27, 2011

#957 Because He Loves the Poor

God loves the poor. Even the poorest man and woman on earth.

Praise God!

Photo from: here

Thursday, March 24, 2011

#958 He is Wise

God is wise and He knows what He is doing from the beginning, now, and in the future.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
         A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.
         His praise endures forever.
         (New King James Version, Psalm 111:10)

Praise God!

Photo from: here

Monday, March 21, 2011

#959 Because He Saved Them!

Several days ago, I bought a newspaper. And you know what, I was very shocked to see the headline. It said, "More than 1,300 were dead". What? 1,300 people? I then continued to read the news and I found that nothern Japan was struck by a tsunami following an earthquake. A colossal 8.9 magnitude quake (which was then considered as 9 magnitude quake by some local newspaper).

The moment I wrote this post, the number of deaths is already increasing from 1,300 to more than 8,800 deaths. 

The disaster was said to be the greatest and deadliest power from the mother nature after the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake which hit Kanto and destroyed Tokyo, Yokohama and the surroundings. 

Lots of people have died and missing. But some of them were saved by God. Here are some remarkable survivor stories from Japan's earthquake: 

  1. A four-month-old girl who had been swept from her parents' arms in the shattered village of Ishinomaki  when the deadly wave crashed into the family home was pulled unharmed from the rubble three days later.
  2. As the Christian Science Monitor is reporting, Hiromitsu Shinkawa, 60, was rescued Sunday about 10 miles out to sea, sitting atop a roof that the tsunami knocked off his home two days earlier. He told rescuers that he and his wife had returned home shortly after the 8.9-magnitude quake to pick up some belongings when the tsunami slammed the city of Minamisoma.
  3. As the AP is reporting, Ayumi Osuga was practicing origami with her three children, aged 2 to 6, in their single-story home in the coastal city of Sendai when the ground started to shake. Then Osuga's husband called. "Get out of there now!" he yelled. Chilled by the brusque warning, the 24-year-old factory worker quickly gathered her children into the car and fled to a hilltop home belonging to her husband's family 12 miles away. Though her home was destroyed, Osuga knows she is lucky to be alive. "My family, my children ... I have come to realize what is important in life," she said. 
  4. As the AP is reporting, pescuers pulled Sai Abe, a 70-year-old woman, from her toppled home in the port town of Otsuchi Tuesday, four days after an earthquake-spurred tsunami tossed the house off its foundation in Japan's northeast.
  5. Japanese naval and coastguard helicopters found a ship that was swept out to sea by a massive tsunami and successfully airlifted all 81 people aboard to safety, Jiji Press reported.
  6. A man was pulled from the rubble 96 hours after the earthquake struck. 
  7. Three elderly residents in Natori were rescued from a mud-buried car after being trapped for 20 hours. 
  8. Masaki Kikuchi and his 20-year-old daughter Koya assumed their dogs Towa, a two-year-old Sheltie and Melody, a one-year-old Golden Retriever, had perished in the tsunami. But the pooches miraculously survived and have since been reunited with the family.
Praise God!

Photo and information from: here, here and here

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

#960 Because He Gives Us Teeth

Teeth, as we know, are used to break down food. Logically, without teeth, we cannot eat properly. And it is very hard to make a smile or even a laugh without teeth. Can you imagine if you do not have teeth inside your mouth? What will happen?

Praise God!

Photo from: here and here

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

#962 He Gives Me a Laptop

A laptop is a very important tool for everyone of us (not everyone actually). We use our laptop to do our work. We use our laptop to search for information. We use our laptop to communicate and to improve ourselves.

Today my Acer TravelMate 2350 is already five and a half years. I am very happy to have it as one of my tool in doing my job. I am so grateful to have a laptop. Thank you God for giving me this tool.

Praise God!

Photo from: here

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

#963 He Gives Us Friends

God gives us friends because He know that we are a social being. He know that we will be happy with friends around us. So next time when you see your friends around, say thanks to them for being your friends and 

praise God!

Photo from: here

Monday, March 7, 2011

#964 Because He Saves Me From Being Crashed

Today, I woke up late. And as a result, I drive so fast that my car reached 120 km/h according to my speedometer. When come to a slight corner, a car suddenly stopped and forced me to hit the brake pedal automatically. "I am done", I said to myself. "I am not going to make it".
Fortunately, the ABS responded and my car stops at the right time. Thanks to God! I was crying after the incident and pray to God for His guidance over me. He saves my life. And I have learned my lesson.

Praise God!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

#965 Because He Protects Me When I Was a Baby

I am 25 years old. And I am happy with that. Twenty four years ago, I was a baby. I know nothing about this world. I am so fragile and am so cute. Now, that I am 25, I was thinking of God and His love for me. It was Him who protects me when I was a baby! If it isn't God who protects me in those days, I will not be writing this post. 

Because of that, I wrote this post and I want to 

Praise God!

Photo from: here

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

#966 Because I Can Walk

Yeah! Thanks to God! I can walk! I was born with a fully-equipped gym! And that's my legs!

Praise God!

Photo from: here

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

#967 Because I Have Ten Fingers

I was born with ten fingers and I am very proud and happy with it. I do not know why God gives me ten. But I do know that God is wise enough that He created me and gives me ten! This amazing fingers of mine is so important to me. It really helps me in my daily life. 

Now, tell me, how am I going to write my post if I don't have fingers? Imagine you lost your fingers...  Oh no! How am I going to wash my face? How am I going to write notes as a preparation for the coming exam? How am I going to shake hand with others? etc. And you end up crying everyday. But wait! Check it out! You still have it with you! Aren't you happy with your ten fingers? I am happy and I choose to 

Praise God!

Photo from: here