
Saturday, July 23, 2011

#944 Thanks for the Nose!

Nose is an important body part in a human body. Nose helps us to breath and smell things around us. Without a nose one cannot tell the smell of food, flowers, air or whatsoever. And worst, he or she cannot breathe. So, having a nose stick on our face is just great. Imagine living without a nose. Horrible isn't it? Maybe you think it is, but actually it is not. There are people in this world, living their life without having a nose. Many a result of accident. However, that is not the main point here. It is just enough for us to give thanks and praises to our God for giving us this beautiful nose we have on our face.

Praise God!

Keep your nose clean.

Photo from: here

Friday, July 8, 2011

#945 He Provides

We always want something for ourselves. We want it to be granted in time. But actually, that very things that we want is merely to satisfy ourselves. By all means, it is to gratify ourselves. 

God is the great provider. He never miss to provide what you really need in your daily life. Maybe what you want is not suitable for you in God's point of view. Still, He will give you what you really need at the very moment you need it. Just be honest with yourself and pray that He will provide all the things you really need in that day.

Praise God!

Photo from: here